Archives for ‘Guest Photographers’

Photographer tour


The Photographer Tour, presented as part of the 5th edition of Rencontres internationales de la photographie en Gaspésie, will run from August 15 to 19 in different municipalities on the peninsula. At the heart of Rencontres, the Photographer Tour is a one-of-a-kind event that brings together visitors, photographers and the local population on the Gaspé territory. It offers public get-togethers on the subject of creation in the form of photo…


Michael Flomen : Installation at Maria – 5th edition

The Higher Ground photograms (Michael Flomen) are the results of a dialogue between the artist and Nature, specifically fireflies. The large-format film documents the interaction of energies with the natural elements at night directly in the countryside, fixing the natural light of the firefly. The best time to view this installation is at dusk and during the night. This is time when the actual photogrammes were made and when the…


Québec artist residency – summer 2014

Montreal artists Patrick Dionne and Miki Gingras were invited to do a residency in the town of Percé in 2014 with the goal of creating a participatory photographic work with the local communities.  In the course of that residency, which took place in the spring of 2014, the  two artists’ interest came to focus on Bonaventure Island and its history.  Seeking out former residents of the island, today transformed into…



The 5th edition of Rencontres internationales de la photographie en Gaspésie presents, starting in mid-July, the exhibits and installations of some 50 photographers from the Gaspé, from elsewhere in Québec and from various countries. The public is invited to view them until mid-September in 13 host municipalities. This year’s theme – “Visible. Invisible.” – gives free rein to the interpretation we bring to the photograph, to what it embodies in our day-to-day…


Exhibits in the Gaspé : 5th Edition – Summer 2014

Visible. Invisible. is an opportunity for viewers to interpret photography, and consider what it represents in their daily lives, in their connection to the real world and the way they see the world. It is also a pretext for presenting the body of work created by each artist participating in the 5th edition of Rencontres. The programming for the 5th edition of Rencontres took shape thanks to the joint efforts…
